Math Ed Said
October 7: After initially getting stumped when tasked with turning bottle flipping into a math lesson, Dan Meyer (with the help of commenters) comes through with "I Was Wrong About #BottleFlipping."Shared by: Dan Meyer, Dawn DuPriest, Nancy Terry, Kat Hendry, Kimberly Wassmuth, April Pforts, Eddi Vulić, Avery Pickford, Martin Joyce
October 8: This Quanta article was a popular long-read for the weekend. "Meet the New Math, Unlike the Old Math" takes a patient look at the role of standards in math and science education reform.
Shared by: Mike Thayer, Tom Boito, Steven Strogatz, Jennifer Lawler, Kathy Henderson, Greg George
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Polygon in Polygon |
Shared by: solve my maths, Taylor Belcher, John Golden, Eddi Vulić, Malke Rosenfeld, Dan Anderson, Jennifer Michaelis
October 10: Graham Fletcher wrote about "Geometric Subitizing: A Different Kind of Number Talk." It certainly looks clever, and I hope teachers of young students who are willing to try it take a bit of a researcher's eye when sharing how the activity works with their students.
Shared by: Graham Fletcher, Jamie Duncan, Justin Bock, Joe Schwartz, Mike Flynn, John Golden, Shauna Hedgepeth, Jennifer Lawler, Amanda Haskell
October 11: It's posts like this that exemplify the rewards I feel for digging through everything that gets shared each week. Joe Schwartz wrote about "Unknown Unknowns," in which by asking students to say everything they know about a figure he finds out so much more than asking them to solve a single problem.
Shared by: Marilyn Burns, Nicole Bridge, Lenny VerMaas, John Golden, Gregory Taylor, Simon Gregg, Kristin Gray, Denise Gaskins, Brian Bushart, TCM - NCTM, Michael Jerrell, T R
October 12: A recent OECD report says "Math Students From High-Performing Countries Memorize Less, PISA Shows." Not too surprisingly, there's also an association between students who say they rely on memorization in mathematics and students who claim higher levels of anxiety towards mathematics.
Shared by: DeAnn Huinker, Lane Walker, Egan J Chernoff, Heather Johnson, Peg Cagle, Shauna Hedgepeth, Laurie Hailer, Ethan Weker, Chris Shore, Ilona Vashchyshyn
October 13: The website Getting Smart talks about the forthcoming curriculum from Open Up Resources in their post, "Middle School Math: Comprehensive and Open."
Shared by: Kate Nowak, Jen Silverman, Martin Joyce, Illustrative Maths, Kristin Gray, Nik Doran, Sadie Estrella, David Petersen, Bridget Dunbar, Andrew Gael, Bridget Dunbar
Around the Math Ed Web
This week's #TCMchat focused on the article "Assessming Students' Understanding of Fraction Multiplication." Next week it's the #MTMSchat for the middle school crowd, and the free article to be discussed is "All Talk and More Action" by Maryellen Williams-Candek.This week's Global Math Department meeting was "Teaching Ideas to Prepare Your Students for the AP Stats Exam" with Amy Hogan, Bob Lochel, and Doug Tyson. Next week you can look forward to "6 Hand Signals That Bring Learning to Life" with Ellie Cowen and Megan Nee.
Research Notes
Appearing in the November 2016 issue of Educational Studies in Mathematics:- Insights from students' private work in their notebooks: how do students learn from the teacher's examples? by King Woon Yau and Ida Ah Chee Mok, The University of Hong Kong
- Coding teaching for simultaneity and connections by Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Hamsa Venkat, and Ulla Runesson, Jönköping University and Univeristy of Witwatersrand
- Three concepts or one? Students' understanding of basic limit concepts by José Antonio Fernández-Plaza, University of Granada; and Adrian Simpson, Durham University
- Students' use of variables and multiple representations in generalizing functional relationships prior to secondary school by Karina J. Wilkie, Monash University
- Pre-service teachers' conceptions of effective teacher talk: their critical reflections on a sample teacher-student dialogue by Ji-Eun Lee, Oakland University; and Kyoung-Tae Kim, College of Central Florida
- Analysis of a teacher's pedagogical arguments using Toulmin's model and argumentation schemes by N. Metaxas, D. Potari, and T. Zachariades, University of Athens
- Conceptual Limitations in Curricular Presentations of Area Measurement: One Nation's Challenges by John P. Smith III, Lorraine M. Males, and Funda Gonulates, Michigan State University
- Inductive and Deductive Justification of Knowledge: Flexible Judgments Underneath Stable Beliefs in Teacher Education by Benjamin Rott, University of Duisburg-Essen; and Timo Leuders, University of Education Freiburg
- Pre-service Teachers' Developing Conceptions about the Nature and Pedagogy of Mathematical Modeling in the Context of a Mathematical Modeling Course by Bulent Cetinkaya, Middle East Technical University; Mahmut Kertil, Marmara University; Ayhan Kursat Erbas, Middle East Technical University; Himmet Korkmazc, Adiyaman University; Cengiz Alacaci, Istanbul Medeniyet University; and Erdinc Cakiroglu, Middle East Technical University
- Helping early childhood educators to understand and assess young children's mathematical minds by Herbert P. Ginsburg, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Invitation to the birthday party: rationale and description by Herbert P. Ginsburg and Sandra Pappas, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Psychometric analyses of the Birthday Party by Young-Sun Lee, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Preparing preschool teachers to use and benefit from formative assessment: the Birthday Party Assessment professional development system by Barbrina Ertle, Adelphi University; Deborah Rosenfeld, Education Development Center, Inc.; Ashley Lewis Presser, Education Development Center, Inc.; and Marion Goldstein, Education Development Center, Inc.
- Assessing early number learning in play by Anita A. Wager, University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Amy Noelle Parks, Michigan State University
- A research-inspired and computer-guided clinical interview for mathematics assessment: introduction, reliability and validity by Herbert P. Ginsburg, Young-Sun Lee, and Sandra Pappas, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Developing and evaluating a kindergarten to third grade CBM mathematics assessment by Young-Sun Lee, Teachers College, Columbia University; and Erica Lembke, University of Missouri
- Using the clinical interview and curriculum based measurement to examine risk levels by Herbert P. Ginsburg, Young-Sun Lee, and Sandra Pappas, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Longitudinal growth on curriculum-based measurements mathematics measures for early elementary students by Erica Lembke, University of Missouri; Young Sun Lee, Teachers College, Columbia University; Yoon Soo Park, Teachers College, Columbia University; and David Hampton, Bowling Green State University
- Socio-economic status differences in mathematics accuracy, strategy use, and profiles in the early years of schooling by Young-Sun Lee, Yoon Soo Park, and Herbert Ginsburg, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Revealing and capitalising on young children's mathematical potential by Lyn D. English, Queensland University of Technology
- Extracurricular Activity Participation in High School: Mechanisms Linking Participation to Math Achievement and 4-Year College Attendance by David S. Morris, Tulane University
- "The Euclidean Tradition as a Paradigm for Scientific Thinking" by Melissa Andrade-Molina and Ole Ravn
- "The Mathematics of Space-Time and the Limits of Human Understanding" by Paul Ernest
- "Revisiting Piaget: Could Postformal Thinking be the Next Step?" by Elizabeth Scott-Janda and Gulden Karakok
- "On Student Understanding of the Concept of Infinity" by Michael Gr. Voskoglou
- "The Contribution of Teacher Confidence to 'Excellent' Mathematics Teaching" by Judith McCullouch
- "Teachers' Professed Beliefs about the Nature of Mathematics, its Teaching and Learning: Inconsistencies among Data from Different Instruments" by K. G. Garegae
- "A Concept of Mathematical Certainty and the Gettier Problem" by Sergei Korchevoi
- "Normative Judgments attached to Mathematical Proofs" by Eyob Demeke
- "Existence of Numbers: From a Philosophical Perspective" by Min Bahadur Shrestha
- "Critical Analysis of the Foundations of Pure Mathematics" by Temur Z. Kalanov
- "Mathematics for Human Flourishing" by Luke Tunstall
- "Using Sets to Make Sense of the World: A Case Study of One Man's Vision" by F. Keith Robins
Math Ed in the News
- How 'boys are better at math' thinking causes STEM gender gap (
- Superintendent says Alabama faces crisis in math education (
- Group lets parents, teachers explore math strategies (The Athens Messenger)
- Report Makes Recommendations For Math Education Improvement (CBS Connecticut)
- Lincoln High math teacher named Nebraska Teacher of the Year (Lincoln Journal Star)
Math Ed in Colorado
Elementary Mathematics Specialist Endorsement
I am looking to recruit people interested in doing the work necessary to establish an elementary mathematics specialist endorsement in Colorado. Such an endorsement has been wished-for by quite a number of people in K-12 and higher ed, and we now have an opportunity to do the work in the coming weeks. From the COmath community, I'm especially interested in elementary teachers with extra mathematics training, like a math major or minor, or other specific preparation to teach mathematics. The committee will probably consist of 4-6 representatives from higher ed, 4-6 district math specialists, and 4-6 classroom teachers who have extra training and expertise in mathematics teaching. Volunteers from rural districts would be especially appreciated! Email me if you are interested and I will follow up with more information in the coming days.Computer Science Standards Input Meetings
During the 2016 legislative session, the Colorado General Assembly passed House Bill 16-1198 requiring CDE to develop academic standards for computer science for secondary students. The new law allows districts to elect to adopt these standards for their high school students. These voluntary, secondary computer science standards must be adopted by the State Board of Education by July 2018, and CDE is hosting three stakeholder meetings in October and November to engage a broad array of stakeholders to inform the development process:- Monday, October 31 in Pueblo
- Monday, November 14 in Denver
- Thursday, November 17 in Grand Junction
Math Day at Colorado State University
Math Day at CSU is Thursday, November 3. Math Day is a day of individual and team competitive mathematics for high school students, with scholarships available for high-performing students. The cost is $20 per student and registration is by recommendation of high school teachers. The registration deadline is Monday, October 24.Teaching English Learners Workshop now in Bayfield, Too
If you have emerging bilingual students in your class, and you want to know more about helping them access mathematical content, there are now two upcoming workshops to attend. Rebekah Ottenbreit of CDE is offering "Teaching Math to English Learners" on October 18 in Grand Junction, and on October 20 in Bayfield. The all-day workshop will offer tools and strategies for making math more accessible to English learners through teaching the Colorado English Proficiency (CELP) standards. You can register for the workshop on the CDE website.Job Openings
Fort Lewis College in Durango is looking for a non-tenure track lecturer with statistics experience.CDE has two jobs which aren't math ed, but they might be of interest to someone who reads this. First, we're looking for an Assessment Principal Consultant who would oversee assessments for Grades 10 and 11. Second we need a Digital Literacy Instructional Specialist who would work in the department and with schools around issues related to ed tech and digital literacy.