How do I learn to teach people to use this stuff? |
It may not be long before I have a job that involves me teaching "methods" courses. I look forward to that opportunity, but dread the feeling that I'd be creating such courses essentially from scratch. It's happened to a few colleagues of mine, and it seems a bit silly that we folks in curriculum and instruction don't have more organization and purposeful, shared design in our curriculum and instruction for preservice teacher methods courses.
Here at CU-Boulder we have a math and science seminar that meets about every three weeks and the topics of the seminar change year to year. This year, pushed by myself and a few others, some of us (including @jybuell) are studying the design of methods courses in math and science. As a first step, we're looking at what others are doing elsewhere, and here's where I'd like some help. Do you have a syllabus or story to share about methods classes you've taught or taken? If you send those my way (to or comment about them in the comments, I'll continue to write about what I find and learn as the year progresses, and hope to have methods course lesson plans and scope and sequence documents to share by the end of the year.