Math Ed Said
February 26: The most-shared post of this day was last week's TWiME post, which I'm taking as an indicator that the time it takes me to assemble these posts is well-spent. That said, I'd rather recognize two other popular posts from last Friday. First, Rachel Lambert shared a presentation she gave at UCLA, "Including Learners with Disabilities in Meaningful Mathematics," and second, folks were tweeting about Megan Schmidt's "We Read. And then We Math."Shared by: Rachel Lambert, Andrew Gael, Tim Hudson, Shauhna Feitlin, John Golden, Kent Haines, Kim Webb, Michelle Naidu
February 27: I'll admit that this one got a laugh out of me when I first saw it, so I'll not spoil the fun and hope you get a laugh out of it, too.
Note: Despite thousands of retweets and likes, Adam Becker understands that for some, this is not an easy topic to laugh at. Sadly, I understand, too.Best opening paragraph of a physics textbook, ever. (Source:— Adam Becker (@freelanceastro) February 23, 2016
Shared by: Mike Thayer, Steven Strogatz, Kate Owens, Martin Joyce, Kent Haines, Michael Ferrara
February 28: Twenty-four (!) people shared a link to Andrew Hacker's NYT op-ed, "The Wrong Way to Teach Math." By my count, this is the third reference I've made to Hacker's new book and his NYT appearances in the past four weeks.
Shared by: Markus Sagebiel, Mister Suever, Meleia Bridenstine, OCTM, Brian Marks, Amy Hogan, Douglas Weathers, Jonathan Schoolcraft, Sherri Adler, Cassy Turner, Matthew Oldridge, Susan Davidson, Susan Wilson, Chris Shore, Kristin Manna, Brian Lawler, Bryan Meyer, Gregory White, Glenn Waddell, John Golden, Sadie Estrella, Anthony Purcell, Robert Berry, Eric Milou
February 29: Jose Vilson graces us with a post on the Teaching Tolerance blog called "Why I Teach: Solving Problems Beyond Math Class."
Shared by: Jose Vilson, Shannon Houghton, Andrew Gael, Carrie Muir, Julie Wright
March 1: Shall we have more Andrew Hacker commentary? Keith Devlin responds to Hacker with a widely-shared post, "The Math Myth that permeates 'The Math Myth'."
Shared by: MAA, Keith Devlin, TedCoe, Egan Chernoff, Denise Gaskins, Carrie Muir, Bowen Kerins, Ilana Horn, Ilona Vashchyshyn
March 2: Even more people were talking about Keith Devlin's post.
Commentary: As with many heated discussions about mathematics education, dig deep enough and you're likely to find some fundamental differences in what people believe mathematics is. At CU-Boulder we offer a class called "Perspectives on Math and Math Education," and I find what I learned in that class both interesting and highly valuable when sorting out where people stand in debates like this, or like the arguments I typically see in the math wars. Devlin's specific criticisms aside, if anything, Hacker prompted a lot of math educators to ask themselves, "What is this stuff I'm teaching, and should I be teaching it?" It's not a bad question to ask ourselves, and something the field of math ed seems to do one syllabus, one textbook adoption, and one standards revision at a time. (With or without the NYT op-eds.)
Shared by: Keith Devlin, Ashley Walther, Erik Johnson, Shannon Houghton, Jack Brown, Samuel Otten, Joshua Bowman, John Golden, Bob Lochel, Farshid Safi, Patrick Honner, Pam Wilson
March 3: Corey Drake of Michigan State wrote an opinion piece in The Hechinger Report, "The Fantastic New Ways to Teach Math That Most Schools Aren’t Even Using." The article is written mostly for teacher educators, but I think all in math ed could read this and take away a sense of the progress we've made in math education. This is the first I've seen Corey Drake write outside the normal academic venues, and I hope it's not the last.
Shared by: Emily Clare, Greg George, Earl Samuelson, Christie Madancy, Mrs. Math Teach, Melissa Soto
Around the Math Ed Web
NCTM extended their Innov8 conference proposal deadline to March 7.The next #TCMchat is March 9 at 9 pm ET. The focus of the chat is the article "Promoting Mathematical Argumentation" by Chepina Rumsey and Cynthia Langrall.
Next week's Global Math Department session is "Using Peer Feedback to Increase Student Understanding." I thought last week's was about Desmos Activity Builder, but I think I was a full month off and that one will come at the end of March.
Research Notes
Week by week I've been waiting for the dam to burst with a surge of research articles, and it will be easy to drown with everything published this past week. Bear with me!New in the March 2016 issue of the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education:
- Research Committee: Positioning Mathematics Education Researchers to Influence Storylines by Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Michigan State University; Stephen J. Pape, Johns Hopkins University; Nathalie Sinclair, Simon Fraser University; Michelle Stephan, University of North Carolina–Charlotte; Kathryn B. Chval, University of Missouri–Columbia; Jeffrey J. Wanko, Miami University; Douglas H. Clements, University of Denver; Trena L. Wilkerson, Baylor University; Marta Civil, The University of Arizona
Trena Wilkerson, NCTM Research Committee - Research Commentary: Analysis of Curriculum Standards: An Important Research Area by Dung Tran, Victoria University–Melbourne, Australia, and Hue University College of Education, Vietnam; Barbara J. Reys, University of Missouri–Columbia; Dawn Teuscher, Brigham Young University; Shannon Dingman, University of Arkansas; Lisa Kasmer, Grand Valley State University
- Brief Report: A Comparison of Symbol-Precedence View in Investigative and Conventional Textbooks Used in Algebra Courses by Milan F. Sherman, Drake University; Candace Walkington and Elizabeth Howell, Southern Methodist University
- Brief Report: The Instructor Experience of Fully Online Tertiary Mathematics: A Challenge and an Opportunity by Sven Trenholm, University of South Australia; Lara Alcock and Carol Robinson, Loughborough University
- Lectures in Advanced Mathematics: Why Students Might Not Understand What the Mathematics Professor Is Trying to Convey by Kristen Lew, Rutgers University; Timothy Patrick Fukawa-Connelly, Temple University; Juan Pablo Mejía-Ramos and Keith Weber, Rutgers University
- Book Review: Charting Paths Toward “Common Ground”: Fostering Collaboration Between Mathematicians and Mathematics Educators - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, reviewed by Alison S. Marzocchi, California State University, Fullerton; Emily Miller, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; and Steven Silber, University of Delaware
- The interconnectedness of relational and content dimensions of quality instruction: Supportive teacher–student relationships in urban elementary mathematics classrooms by Dan Bettey, Rutgers University; Rebecca Neal, Hamline University; Luis Leyva, Rutgers University; Karlyn Adams-Wiggins, University of Texas at Tyler
- Discovering and addressing errors during mathematics problem-solving—A productive struggle? by Carina Granberg, Umeå University, Sweden
- EDITORIAL Is It Educative? The Importance of Reviewers' Feedback by Sandra Crespo, editor
- (Toward) Developing a Common Language for Describing Instructional Practices of Responding: A Teacher-Generated Framework by Amanda Milewski, University of Michigan; Sharon Strickland, Texas State University
- Inviting Prospective Teachers to Share Rough Draft Mathematical Thinking by Eva Thanheiser, Portland State University; Amanda Jansen, University of Delaware
- Preparing Preservice Teachers for Diverse Mathematics Classrooms Through a Cultural Awareness Unit by Dorothy Y. White, University of Georgia; Kanita K. DuClou, Western Kentucky University; Ángel M. Carreras-Jusino, Darío A. González, and Kirsten Keels; University of Georgia
- Supporting Teacher Noticing of Students' Mathematical Strengths by Lisa M. Jilk, University of Washington
- Mathematics education and mobile technologies by Kevin Larkin, Griffith University; Nigel Calder, University of Waikato, Tauranga
- Learning with touchscreen devices: game strategies to improve geometric thinking by Carlotta Soldano and Ferdinando Arzarello, University of Turin
- Rhythm in number: exploring the affective, social and mathematical dimensions of using TouchCounts by Nathalie Sinclair, Sean Chorney, and Sheree Rodney, Simon Fraser University
- Mobile technologies in the service of students' learning of mathematics: the example of game application A.L.E.X. in the context of a primary school in Cyprus by Andreas O. Kyriakides, European University Cyprus; Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris, European University Cyprus; Theodosia Prodromou, University of New England
- The role of affordances in children's learning performance and efficiency when using virtual manipulative mathematics touch-screen apps by Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Utah State University; Emma K. Bullock, Utah State University; Jessica F. Shumway, Utah State University; Stephen I. Tucker, Virginia Commonwealth University; Christina M. Watts, Utah State University; Arla Westenskow, Utah State University; Katie L. Anderson-Pence, University of Colorado Colorado Springs; Cathy Maahs-Fladung, Utah State University; Jennifer Boyer-Thurgood, Utah State University; Hilal Gulkilik, Gazi University; Kerry Jordan, Utah State University
- Digital natives come of age: the reality of today's early career teachers using mobile devices to teach mathematics by Joanne Orlando and Catherine Attard, Western Sydney University
- Showing and telling: using tablet technology to engage students in mathematics by Naomi Ingram, Sandra Williamson-Leadley, and Keryn Pratt, University of Otago
- The affordances of using a flipped classroom approach in the teaching of mathematics: a case study of a grade 10 mathematics class by Tracey Muir, University of Tasmania; Vince Geiger, Australian Catholic University
- Enhancing student engagement through the affordances of mobile technology: a 21st century learning perspective on Realistic Mathematics Education by Aibhín Bray and Brendan Tangney, Trinity College
- Characterising the perceived value of mathematics educational apps in preservice teachers by Boris Handal, The University of Notre Dame Australia; Chris Campbell, The University of Queensland; Michael Cavanagh, Macquarie University; Peter Petocz, Macquarie University
Math Ed in the News
- Math challenge starts Monday, teaching algebra through a game (The Seattle Times)
- Textbook Diversity May Be Increasing Under Common Core (Education Week)
- Let's Stop Requiring Advanced Math, A New Book Argues (NPR)
- 'The Math Myth' fuels the algebra wars, but what's the fight really about? (The Conversation)
- Calculus Is So Last Century (Wall Street Journal)
- Some Educators Question If Advanced Math Should Be Required (NPR)
Math Ed in Colorado
I'm posting this later this week because I spent a long but worthwhile day with teachers in Ellicott, one of Colorado's great rural places on the eastern plains with big skies and views of Pikes Peak:![]() |
The view of Pikes Peak in the distance from Ellicott |
The next session of the Northern Colorado Math Circles is March 7. See their website for more details. The Rocky Mountain and Northern Colorado Math Teachers' Circles are teaming up for a summer workshop in Winter Park from July 11-15. There's also a Rocky Mountain Math Teachers' Circle listserv you can sign up for to receive updates.
CCTM is taking nominations for their leadership award and teaching award, both of which are due by March 11. The CCTM board is also seeking to appoint a technology integration specialist to the board. See the link for details. There is a CCTM workshop for Region 7 (Douglas, El Paso, Elbert, and Teller counties) on March 12 in Colorado Springs. The topic of the workshop is fractions, ratios, and rates of change.
CU-Boulder is looking for a master teacher in mathematics for their CU Teach program. It's an awesome opportunity to help prepare the next generation of math teachers in Colorado, as well as a great place to work.
The "Expanding Your Horizons" symposium for middle school girls interested in STEM registration begins March 1.
eNet Learning has resources and courses.