Math Ed Said
December 29: Caitlin Tucker wrote "Battling Against Traditional Perceptions of Teaching and Learning," where she addresses the challenges of facilitating a student-centered classroom with students who either expect or prefer that activity is focused on the teacher.Commentary: I experienced these struggles teaching a college intro to stats class, and some of my students were experienced teachers themselves in a master's program! When one of my students, who is a teacher, called me over during group work to tell me, "I know how to teach math, and you're doing it wrong. You need to be working examples at the board and giving us sets of similar problems to practice," I couldn't help but feel that our expectations were so far apart as to be unbridgeable, and that's a horrible feeling for a teacher to have.
Shared by: Brandi Moore, Maria H. Andersen, Cindy Brown, Tyler Anderson, Andrew Shauver, Laura Wheeler
December 30: Steve Wyborney shared "Cube Conversations," a large set of activities for students that give them practice visualizing, reasoning with, and discussing three-dimensional constructions of unit cubes.
Shared by: Rene Grimes, Kit, Lindel, Kat Hendry, Kit, Jon Orr, Richelle Marynowski, Robbyn Glinsmann, John Faig, Kyle Pearce, Steve Wyborney
December 31: Hmmm. Chalkbeat is holding a live event at SXSW EDU called "The Great American Teach-Off," where two pairs of elementary math teachers will execute some sort of teaching challenge on stage for a panel of judges. The organizers wish to highlight in public more of the work of teaching. If you wish to give it a go, the instructions for applying are at the link.
Shared by: Jessica Faurote, Kit, Dan Meyer, Heather Scott, Dan Anderson, Lisa Bejarano
January 1: Sunil Singh kicked off the new year with "Six Questions That Math Educators Need To Answer Honestly."
Shared by: Lisa Choate, Karen Vaites, Spencer Bagley, Kate Owens, Chris Brownell, James Tanton, Dana C. Ernst, Kit, Sunil Singh
January 2: James Tanton wrote "It's Time to Let Go of Antiquated Edicts in the Mathematics Classroom," which addressed topics such as "simplifying" radicals and "reducing" fractions.
Shared by: Spencer Bagley, Zach Cresswell, Heather Sugrue, Ann Crilley, Kathy Henderson, Amy Hogan, Jill Gough, Bob Lochel, Robert Kaplinsky, Jason Wilson, Benjamin Dickman, Kit, Francis Su, Brendan W. Sullivan, Hilary Kreisberg, Steven Francis, Dan Anderson, Patrick Honner, Matthew Oldridge, Matthew Beyranevand, Chris Brownell, Michael P Goldenberg, Sunil Singh, James Tanton
January 3: Toya J Frank is seeking participants for a survey to learn about the experiences of Black teachers of mathematics.
My research team just launched a survey to learn more about Black math teachers' experiences. Seeking K-12 teachers of mathematics who identify as Black/African American to participate: #mathteachersrock— Toya J Frank (@ToyaJFrank) January 3, 2018
Shared by: Kate Johnson, Crystal Kalinec-Craig, Nicole M. Joseph, Laura Wagenman, Barbara Beske, Kit, Heather Johnson, Lou Matthews, Robert Berry, Erica Litke, Lynette Guzmán, Toya J Frank, Jennifer Lawler, Ilana Horn
January 4: More people shared and reshared Toya J Frank's request for participants in her study.
Shared by: Alison Hansel, Robert Kaplinsky, Brian R Lawler, Michelle Bailey, BBA Math Association, Naomi Jessup, Will M Dunn, Jenise Sexton, Jennifer Lawler, Annie Perkins, Dana Miller-Cotto, Tracy Johnston Zager, Ilana Horn
Research Report
For only being a few days into the new year, it's surprising that several journals have published new articles already. Some put 2018 dates on work done last year (I see you, Elsevier), and to keep things organized for myself I'm including those here, too.Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
- The Role of Replication Studies in Educational Research by Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, and James Hiebert
- Three Conceptual Replication Studies in Group Theory by Kathleen Melhuish
- Brief Report: The Effects of Preservice Elementary School Teachers' Accurate Self-Assessments in the Context of Whole Number by Eva Thanheiser
- Exploring Longitudinal Changes in Teacher Expectancy Effects on Children's Mathematics Achievement by Faiza M. Jamil, Ross A. Larsen, and Bridget K. Hamres
- Research Commentary: On Replications by Alan H. Schoenfeld
- Research Commentary: When and Why Replication Studies Should be Published: Guidelines for Mathematics Education Journals by Jon R. Star
- Research Commentary: A Rejoinder: Reframing Replication Studies as Studies of Generalizability: A Response to Critiques of the Nature and Necessity of Replication by Kathleen Melhuish and Eva Thanheiser
- Research Commentary: A Rejoinder: A Reflection on the Evolution of a Replication Study by Faiza M. Jamil
Journal of Teacher Education
- Uncovering the Skills That Preservice Teachers Bring to Teacher Education: The Practice of Eliciting a Student's Thinking by Meghan Shaughnessy, Timothy A. Boerst
- The Design of Video-Based Professional Development: An Exploratory Experiment Intended to Identify Effective Features by Mary Beisiegel, Rebecca Mitchell, Heather C. Hill
- Preservice to Inservice: Does Mathematics Anxiety Change With Teaching Experience? by Gina Gresham
Journal of Curriculum Studies
- Curriculum reform in Irish secondary schools – a focus on algebra by Mark Prendergast
Teachers College Record
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Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, 2017 NCTM Research Conference |
- District Decision-makers' Considerations of Equity and Equality Related to Students' Opportunities to Learn Algebra by Beth A. Herbel-Eisenmann, Lindsay Keazer, and Anne Traynor
- How Should Fifth-Grade Mathematics Teachers Start the School Year?: Relations Between Teacher–Student Interactions and Mathematics Instruction Over One Year by Holland W. Banse, Timothy W. Curby, Natalia A. Palacios, and Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman
- Dividing by Zero: Exploring Null Results in a Mathematics Professional Development Program by Heather C. Hill, Douglas Lyman Corey, and Robin T. Jacob
- Getting College-Ready During State Transition Toward The Common Core State Standards by Zeyu Xu and Kennan Cepa
Teaching and Teacher Education
- Teacher enthusiasm and self-efficacy, student-perceived mastery goal orientation, and student motivation in mathematics classrooms by Rebecca Lazarides, Janine Buchholz, Charlott Rubach
- How to envision equitable mathematics instruction: Views of U.S. and Korean preservice teachers by Ji-Eun Lee, Jinho Kim, Sangmee Kim, Woong Lim
- Practices that cross disciplines?: Revisiting explicit instruction in elementary mathematics and English language arts by Julie Cohen
- Greek-Cypriot elementary teachers' epistemological beliefs about mathematics by Constantinos Xenofontos
- Quantitative Reasoning: A Guided Pathway from Two- to Four-Year Colleges by Eric Gaze
- Disrupting Dominant Discourses: A (Re)Introduction to Social Practice Theories of Adult Numeracy by Helen M. Oughton
- Increasing Statistical Literacy by Exploiting Lexical Ambiguity of Technical Terms by Jennifer J. Kaplan and Neal Rogness
- Quantitative Map Literacy: A Cross between Map Literacy and Quantitative Literacy by Ming Xie, H. L. Vacher, Steven Reader, and Elizabeth Walton
- Using the Quantitative Literacy and Reasoning Assessment (QLRA) for Early Detection of Students in Need of Academic Support in Introductory Courses in a Quantitative Discipline: A Case Study by Nathan D. Grawe and Kristin O'Connell
- Math Course for Liberal Arts Majors: A Pilot with Embedded Remediation by Eileen B. Perez, Hansun To, Mary Fowler, and Linda Larrivee
- A Few Reflections on A Numerate Life by John Allen Paulos
- Why I Believe People Need Painting By Numbers by Jason Makansi
- An Exploration of the Perceived Usefulness of the Introductory Statistics Course and Students' Intentions to Further Engage in Statistics by Rossi A. Hassad
- Models as Weapons: Review of Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy by Cathy O'Neil (2016) by Samuel L. Tunstall
- Life, the Universe, and Numeracy: Review of A Numerate Life by John Allen Paulos (2015) by Kira H. Hamman
- Review of Painting by Numbers: How to Sharpen Your BS Detector and Smoke Out the "Experts" by Jason Makansi by Denis Voytenko
- Review of Painting by Numbers by Jason Makansi by Thomas J. Pfaff
- Parts of the Whole: Hands On Statistics by Dorothy Wallace
Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal
This journal links to lightly-edited PDFs and Word docs, so it's best to go to the main issue page and access the following articles from there.- Paul Ernest and Anna Sfard: A Dialogue on Dialogue
- Nenad Radakovic: Towards the Critical Pedagogy of Risk in Mathematics Education
- Karen François, José Ricardo e Souza Mafra, Maria Cecilia Fantinato & Eric Vandendriessche: Local Mathematics Education: The Implementation of Local Mathematical Practices into the Mathematics Curriculum
- Andrew Schroter: In Defence of Platonism in the Mathematics Classroom
- Michael. Gr. Voskoglou: Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered by Humans?
- Hélio Rebello: Deleuze on Kant's Mathematics of the Sensory Body: The Differential Relation in the Instance of Learning
- Constanta Olteanu and Lucian Olteanu: Investigating Difference and Repetition in Mathematics Teachers' Professional Development
- Luiz Carlos Leal Junior: Ethics and Research in Mathematics Education: Philosophical Provocations
- Rosemeire de Fatima Batistela and Maria Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo: The Importance of Teaching Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem in Mathematics Teacher Education
- Philip J. Davis: Mathematics, Politics, and Law
- Bronislaw Czarnocha: Working Class, Intelligentsia and the "Spirit of Generalization"
- Adam Hams: Educational Sciences for Mathematics: Mathematics Didactics as a Scientific Discipline
- Allan Tarp: A Heidegger View on how to Improve Mathematics Education
- Paul Ernest: A Semiotic Theory of Mathematical Text
- Jacques Bair, Piotr B Laszczyk, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Taras Kudryk and David Sherry: Analyzing Benardete's Comment On Decimal Notation
- Pierre Sutherland: Mechanisms of Emergence: Influence of Open Student Responses Collected using an Online Survey Tool in Mathematics Classrooms
Math Ed in the News
- Despite cutbacks, auto shops play a role in math and science education in California schools (EdSource)
- Determination, persistence, and the love of math (Community Advocate)
- Sulphur Springs District hosts two academies during winter break (Santa Clarita Valley Signal)
- District to add Technical Math class, teaching career pathway (Clay Center - The Dispatch)
Math Ed in Colorado
Colorado Academic Standards Review and Revision
On Monday, January 8, the online feedback collected from the public last fall will be published to the CDE website. If you would like to send additional feedback, you can do so by emailing it to The mathematics committee will next meet on Wednesday, January 10, to work on finalizing their revisions ahead of their consideration and approval by the State Board of Education later this spring.Math Teacher Circles
- Looking at the new website for the Rocky Mountain Math Teacher Circle, it looks like their next meeting is Saturday, January 13 from 8:30-12:00 at the CU Denver Student Commons Building. This appears to be a change from dates announced earlier in the year. Please RSVP if you wish to attend.
- The next meetings of the Northern Colorado Student Math Circle will be Tuesday, January 23rd from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Please RSVP if you wish to attend.