Math Ed Said
October 14: A story in BBC News called "Maths becomes biology's magic number" says the future of biology research will involve a lot of mathematical modeling, and well-trained researchers who know how to avoid pitfalls of working with big data.Shared by: Kat Hendry, Mathematics cian, Steven Strogatz, John Gunn, Jim Noble, Eddi Vulić, Keith Jones, Steve Humble, Malyn Mawby
October 15: AMTE, the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, has shared draft standards for mathematics teacher preparation and asks you to read them and provide feedback by Tuesday, November 15.
Shared by: Carrie Muir, Sharon Vestal, David Hallowell, Jennifer Lawler, Douglas H. Clements, Travis Olson, Ed Dickey
October 16: People were sharing new youcubed videos that answer the question "What is number sense?" These Jo Boaler productions demonstrate flexibility in calculations and come in both English and Spanish.
Note: If liked the youcubed number sense videos, you might really like Cathy Fosnot's "What is numeracy?" video:
Cathy Fosnot - What is numeracy? from LearnTeachLead (1) on Vimeo.
Shared by: Alyssa Kodroff, Aimee Shackleton, Math Coach Rivera, David Keller, Mark Chubb, Matthew Oldridge, Terry Kaminski, Jo Boaler, Karyn Vogel
October 17: Wendy Menard was featured in the MfA Teacher Voices blog with "Enrich and Enhance Your Professionalism through Blogging." Like so many of us, she's experienced both individual and community benefits through blogging and sharing with others about math education.
Shared by: Patrick Honner, Cary Behrendt, John Golden, James Cleveland, Kit G, Math for America
October 18: Tuesday was Global Math Department day, but the presentation people were sharing was last August's "Exploding Dots: Uniting Elements of the K-12 Curriculum and Beyond" by James Tanton.
Shared by: TCM - NCTM, Kit, James Tanton, Global Math, Sadie Estrella, Brian Bushart
October 19: An article in Slate called "How technology can facilitate classroom discussion" (originally seen in The Hechinger Report) looked at Desmos's Activity Builder, Classkick, and Pear Deck, three apps that have added features to make technology use in the classroom more social.
Shared by: Nicole Muth, Amanda Haskell, Jason Merrill, Heather Kohn, Heather Johnson, Dan Anderson, Jennifer Blinzler, Eli Luberoff, Bob Lochel, Dan Meyer
October 20: Ibram X. Kendi's article "Why The Academic Achievement Gap Is A Racist Idea" makes the claim that achievement gaps don't just measure racism, but even the idea of an achievement gap conditions us to think in terms of racial hierarchies, which have a long history in American academia.
Shared by: Jennifer Lawler, Laura Wagenman, Rochelle Gutierrez, Bryan Meyer, Karen King, Robert Berry, Nicole M. Joseph
Around the Math Ed Web
Did you miss last week's #MTMSchat? If so, you can scroll back through these tweets and see what people had to say about Maryellen Williams-Candek's article, "All Talk and More Action." Next up on Wednesday: #MTchat.![]() |
Gail Burrill at the 2016 ASSM Annual Meeting |
James Middleton is giving a webinar on Wednesday called "'Why Should I?' Insight Into the Choices Students Make Regarding Mathematics Engagement" as part of their Innov8 series.
There is an ASCD webinar on Thursday called "Lesson Imaging in Mathematics and Science: Mindfully Planning for Inquiry Instruction" with Michelle Stephan, David Pugalee, Julie Cline, and Chris Cline.
If you prefer to do your learning in person, go to Phoenix! On Tuesday NCSM is holding their Fall Leadership Seminar prior to NCTM's Conference from Wednesday through Friday.
Research Notes
Are you a professional development facilitator who works with elementary teachers? You might be interested in participating in a research pilot of some geometry materials from a project led by Tim Boerst, Kara Suzuka, Deborah Ball, and Hyman Bass at Michigan, with partners at the University of Denver and AIR.Three new articles have appeared for the December 2016 issue of The Journal of Mathematical Behavior:
- Improving calculus explanations through peer review by Daniel Lee Reinholz, San Diego State University
- Moving in and out of contexts in collaborative reasoning about equations by Elisabeth Rystedt, Ola Helenius, and Cecilia Kilhamn, University of Gothenburg
- Why research on proof-oriented mathematical behavior should attend to the role of particular mathematical content by Paul Christian Dawkins, Northern Illinois University; and Shiv Smith Karunakaran, Washington State University
- Relationships Between Student Perception of Teacher-Student Relations and PISA Results in Mathematics and Science by Jaan Mikk, Heiki Krips, Ülle Säälik, and Karmen Kalk, University of Tartu
- Coordinating Multiple Representations in a Reform Calculus Textbook by Briana L. Chang, Temple University; Jennifer G. Cromley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; and Nhi Tran, Temple University
- The Cognitive Process of Chinese Abacus Arithmetic by Pei-Luen Patrick Rau, Anping Xie, Ziyang Li, and Cuiling Chen, Tsinghua University
- Algebraic Generalization Strategies Used by Kuwaiti Pre-service Teachers by Amal Hussain Alajmi, Kuwait University
- 'Boys Press All the Buttons and Hope It Will Help': Upper Secondary School Teachers' Gendered Conceptions About Students' Mathematical Reasoning by Lovisa Sumpter, Dalarna University
- Interactivity Defuses the Impact of Mathematics Anxiety in Primary School Children by Michael Allen and Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau, Kingston University
- An Overview of the Philosophy of Mathematics Education by Paul Ernest
- Philosophy of Mathematical Practice: What is it All About? by Jean Paul Van Bendegem
- Politics of Meaning in Mathematics Education by Ole Skovsmose
- The Language of Mathematics in a Historical, Epistemological, and Educational Perspective by Ladislav Kvasz
- The Teaching of Velocity in Mathematics Classes – Chances for Philosophical Ideas by Regina Möller
- Developments In Philosophy in/of Mathematical Education by Maria Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo
- The Collateral Damage of Learning Mathematics by Paul Ernest
- Theoretical Incompleteness: A Driving Mechanism of Evolution in Mathematics Education Research by Iskra Nunez
- Researchers as Policy Actors? Examining interactions between mathematics education research and PIAAC by Jeff Evans & Keiko Yasukawa
- The Ockham Razor of Creativity Research In Mathematics Education by Bronislaw Czarnocha, William Baker & Olen Dias
- Using Family Resemblances for Elaborating Mathematical Rules in Classroom Communication by Jessica Kunsteller
- Concept Formation as a Rule-Based Use of Words by Michael Meyer
- Opening a Philosophical Space in the Mathematics Curriculum by Nadia Stoyanova Kennedy
- Reading Mathematical Texts with Philosophical Methods by Jörn Schnieder & Ingrid Scharlau
- Journal Rankings and Representation in Mathematics Education by Ryan A. Nivens & Samuel Otten
- Mathematical Modelling and the Separation of Mathematics from Reality by Uwe Schürmann
- The Role of Exhibitions by Children in Making Mathematics by Hilary Povey, Gill Adams, Colin Jackson & Emanuela Ughi
- Teaching Applied Mathematics as a Bridge from Philosophy of Science to Philosophy of Mathematics Education by Peter Collignon
- Philosophy of Mathematics and its Relevance In Maths Classroom by Durga Prasad Dhakal
- The Production of Knowledge in Mathematics Education Research Groups in Brazil by Anderson Afonso da Silva & Maria Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo
- History of Scientific and Academic Production in Mathematics Education: Representation, Institution and Policy by Filipe Santos Fernandes
- Complexity and Mathematics Education by Fayez M. Mina
- From Essence to Existence in Mathematics Education by Allan Tarp
- Possibilities of the Phenomenological Approach and of Philosophical Hermeneutics in Type Search State of Art by Fernanda Aparecida Ferreira & Cintia A. Bento dos Santos
- Epistemology of Teachers about the Mathematical Knowledge by Karla Sepúlveda Obreque & Javier Lezama Andalón
- Geometry: Of What it Treats? by Taís Barbariz
Math Ed in the News
- Why Math Education in the U.S. Doesn't Add Up (Scientific American)
- Report: Elementary Teachers Warming to Common Core But Still Have Concerns (Education Week Teacher)
- Can a Math Curriculum Audit Improve Student Achievement in Math? (Education Week)
- Colleges to promote statistics over algebra for liberal arts majors (Baltimore Sun)
- Is Common Core an Advance or a Setback in Math Education? (Huffington Post)
- Why Aren't Math Education Games More Widely Used? (Huffington Post)
Math Ed in Colorado
Colorado Academic Standards Survey
If you missed the announcement a few days ago, here it is again. Please reply to the survey by November 13!CDE invites educators, educational leaders, parents, students and the general public to share their perceptions of the Colorado Academic Standards through an online survey available through Nov. 13. To participate, click here.
The results of the survey will inform the department’s planning for the upcoming review and revision of the standards, required by Senate Bill 08-212, known as Colorado’s Achievement Plan for Kids (CAP4K). The law requires a review and revision of the CAS on or before July 1, 2018 and every six years thereafter.
In addition to the survey on general perceptions of the standards, CDE will launch an online feedback system in November which will enable all educators and others to provide specific feedback on every expectation within the 10 content areas included in the Colorado Academic Standards.
In early 2017, CDE will provide comprehensive information about the timeline and phases of the standards review and revision process as well as information about how to become involved.
The survey and online standards feedback system can be found at General questions and comments about the review and revision process can be sent to
COmath Calendar
During a CCTM board meeting a number of us were discussing ways to help bring Colorado math educators together. One idea was to have a centralized calendar, not just for CCTM events, but for all events of interest to math educators in Colorado. You can access it here:- ICS format (to use in a calendar app):
- HTML format (opens in a browser; use button on lower right to add to your Google Calendar):
Math Day at Colorado State University
The deadline to register for the CSU Math Day is Monday, October 24!Computer Science Standards Meetings
During the 2016 legislative session, the Colorado General Assembly passed House Bill 16-1198 requiring CDE to develop academic standards for computer science for secondary students. The new law allows districts to elect to adopt these standards for their high school students. These voluntary, secondary computer science standards must be adopted by the State Board of Education by July 2018, and CDE is hosting three stakeholder meetings in October and November to engage a broad array of stakeholders to inform the development process:- Monday, October 31 in Pueblo
- Monday, November 14 in Denver
- Thursday, November 17 in Grand Junction