- The Imperative of Integration by Elizabeth Anderson
- Silent Covenants: Brown v. Board of Education and the Unfulfilled Hopes for Racial Reform by Derrick Bell
- Politics, Markets and America's Schools by John E. Chubb and Terry M. Moe
- Experience and Education by John Dewey
- Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950-1980 by Charles Murray
- No Child Left Behind And the Transformation of Federal Education Policy, 1965-2005 by Patrick J. Mcguinn
- Scientific Research in Education by the National Research Council
- Class and Schools: Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close the Black-White Achievement Gap by Richard Rothstein
- The One Best System: A History of American Urban Education by David Tyack
- The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy by William Julius Wilson
Education Research and Policy
I've been a bit mentally lethargic over my winter break, but previewing the book list for a class next semester is getting my neurons firing again. The class is Introduction to Education Research and Policy and it's taught by Ken Howe, a professor I know from the Ethics in Education class I took in the fall of 2009. The book list for Ed Research and Policy is long, but there are quite a few on the list that I've wanted to read: